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Fasting and diabetes
Fasting during Ramadan is an important personal decision for those with diabetes. The decision to fast should be made based on religious recommendation, with careful considerations for the risks and complications associated with fasting you should consult your doctor for advice prior to fasting during Ramadan
About fasting and diabetes
Fasting during Ramadan is an important personal decision for those with diabetes. The decision to fast should be made based on religious recommendation, with careful considerations for the risks and complications associated with fasting you should consult your doctor for advice prior to fasting during Ramadan
Preparations prior to fasting during ramadan
If you have diabetes and intend to fast during Ramadan, you should be prepared for the following in order to undertake the fast as safely as possible:
(a) Pre-Ramadan medical review1
Assessment of the following through doctor consultation should be performed 1–2 months before Ramadan:
Following these assessments, you will be advised on the necessary changes in diet and medication plan, so that you can initiate fasting while being on an antidiabetic regimen.
(b) Patient education1
You and your family members/caregivers should attend diabetes educational programmes several weeks before Ramadan. It is important that everyone understands and receives the necessary diabetes care education which includes:
The risks of fasting (ie, may lead to dehydration, hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia);
Management of acute complications (eg, administration of glucose-containing drinks to manage hypoglycaemia).
Managing diabetes during ramadan
You should immediately end your fast if you have symptoms of dehydration, hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia. Here are some tips in managing diabetes during Ramadan:
Fasting during Ramadan for patients with diabetes carries potential risks and complications. Close follow-up with your doctor is essential to maintain a healthy body.
Al-Arouj M, et al. Diabetes care 2010;33:1895–1902.
Pathan MF, et al. Indian J Endocrinol Metab 2012;16:499–502.
Jaleel MA, et al. Indian J Endocrinol Metab 2011;15:268–273.
Ministry of Health Malaysia. Clinical practice guidelines: Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (5th Edition); 2015.